Wolfgang P. INC.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.

― Albert Einstein

Our mission and our work:

Founded in December 2019, Wolfgang P. Inc. is a Maryland non-profit that supports arts (with an emphasis on film) and advocacy/health programs through donations and other resources. We primarily support artists through Charm City Filmmakers, another Maryland-based non-profit that provides access to crew, actors, and mentorship for amateur and first-time filmmakers at a low cost. We assist them by developing materials, donating to their film and studio insurance, and other financial resources. Since our inception in December 2019, we have donated thousands of dollars to our supported causes.

What is...

W. Productions:

W. Productions is the beating heart of Wolfgang P. Inc, and critical to our mission. W. Productions provides individual directors with the resources they need to bring their visions to life, from pre-production to the final cut.

And when the films are completed, we don't stop there. Our commitment to giving back extends beyond the film sets and into the communities we serve. That's why we donate 10% of our annual budget to charities that align with the themes reflected in our films. We're proud to have supported organizations such as the ACLU, the Innocence Project, House of Ruth, The Samaritan Women, Community Assistance Network, and Center for Urban Families in the past.

At W. Productions, our goal is to own and produce films that advance our mission. That's why any profits generated by our films don't go back to the producers - they go straight back into the non-profit, to help fund future projects and support even more filmmakers. Currently, we own Project LETHE. To learn more about this film, please visit the website.